Quality &  Safety


Offering quality products for our customers has been the determining factor behind our impeccable success. All products we sell are source from reliable suppliers from around the world. From the purchase to delivery every product is strictly monitored by a team of experts and professionals to ensure that our clients receive high quality products. After sales, we give the best support to ensure that our client's are benefiting from what they bought.

We as a company believe in high quality at all times and in all work done at all levels of the organization.
We strive to enhance our sales & support quality standards on an ongoing basis.
We believe in quality as an integral part of our commitment to the customer.
We believe quality products to be maintained and made available at reasonable pricing.
Safety Statement

"Safety is a team effort"
Chemsol, as a chemical distribution company, is committed to ensuring that a safe and healthy work place, in as far as is reasonably practicable, is provided and that all relevant statutory requirements will be complied with. Chemsol is committed to prevention of accidents and injuries in the workplace as well as committing to requirements on Health & Safety in the workplace.

Chemsol will ensure that in so far as is reasonably practicable, we will provide the following:-

Chemsol Safety Policy is to be followed by all staff members, contractors on site and visitors to our premises. We commit to maintain and awareness and respond to community concerns. Co-operation is required, for the implementation of our safety policy, from all employees in our organization. All employees are invited to submit suggestions and ideas for improvement of the safety policy. The safety statement and safety policy is reviewed each year at the management review agenda

Quality Policy Statement

"It is the objective of Chemsol, that all materials supplied are in conformance with customer specification and customer requirements, are suited for intended use and are packaged and delivered to customer's premises in conformance with requirements".

"The purpose of the Quality Manual is to ensure that all aspects of Purchasing, Handling, Storage, Inspection, Delivery and Recording of Goods, for which Chemsol is responsible are completed satisfactorily in accordance with ENO ISO-9002".

"The necessary resources are provided within the company to implement this policy and the company is committed to ensuring that this policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels within Chemsol organization"

General Manager